Horizontal hydraulic electro-forging machine

General Features

This machine is designed for the heating and highlighting of one end of the bars whose length is indefinite, and is also able to heat without deforming the material, to later conform it according to the need.


  1. One-clamp machine: Heats or heats and highlights at one end only.
  2. Two-clamp machine: Heats or heats and highlights at one end and also at a central area (1200mm from the end) and the other end of indefinite length.
  3. Two-clamp machine with device bar at both ends: Heats or heats and highlights at central areas of the long bars. Indefinite at both ends.

Different types of forging

  • At the tip, with clamp and stopper.
  • In the central area (up to 1200mm from the tip): two clamps of the same diameter.
  • For central áreas farther from the tip, an extension device can be made between the left cylinder while the machine allows it.


Heating capacity: 2 to 3 kg. for each Kwh, used energy.

RGH 40 KVA28 mm
RGH 70 KVA38 mm
RGH 100 KVA45 mm